
With a wide range of entertainment and activities, some old and some new, it’s sure to be fun for the young and the young at heart to enjoy. You will find the much-loved traditional attractions plus some exciting new things to explore across the Showgrounds. Both the main Arena and the Paddock (below the Pony Shed) will be as busy as ever. The Grand Parade will kick-off on Saturday at 12.30 and Show’s big finale, the Rodeo, is as usual on Saturday night.

The Official Opening will take place on Friday at 6pm with a Welcome to Country, Canoe Drumming, Awards and a few speeches and then The Stockman Show. The evening will kick-on with a traditional Bush Dance with live music provided by Paddy’s River Band. The opening night of the Show will again also feature a ticketed Cheese and Wine Tasting by the Valley Cheesemakers.

What a night, what a Show, with everyone included.